Monday, January 18, 2010

Prologue... I am, now officially a blogger.

I can hardly believe it myself, for all of my life i shunned the concept of blogs, blogging and bloggers. To me, almost all of them looked like a 10 year old girl scout's diary... and to this day, 80 percent of them still look the same to me. But over the years, some of them (those from the remaining 20 percent, the better and sometimes pretty good ones) came in pretty handy ... I've found very useful stuff on blogs, from tutorials to holiday ideas and so on, and i found that blogs can sometimes be a very good environment for sharing information.
But i still didn't feel the need for a blog. That need came a few days ago, when i translated my favorite poem (you'll see more of that in the following post) and couldn't find the right medium for posting it on. Facebook, Hi5 and other social networking sites just did't fit the bill. I needed something better. I needed...a blog!

Well that's the story in a nutshell ... now I must clarify some other aspects.

First of all, I must say I intended this blog to be a semi-professional one, a place where I will post some of my translations and various other professional aspects, but in a neat and loose format, so you won't be bored to death after the first couple of posts. Of course not all the posts will be about translation and translating, some posts will be about day to day experiences (don't be fooled of course, I promise you this blog won't become over time a girl scout's diary !), some will be about current wold events ( All except politics. Politics will not be posted or discussed on this blog. Whoever wants to comment on politics, may do it in another place.)

That brings me to the second aspect: comments. Comments will be allowed on this blog, with some basic rules:

1.I do not want this blog to become another social networking please keep the links, adds, mass comments and other spam for Facebook. Or still better, quit this habit. The best thing you will get out of this is to annoy people.

2. I will write on this blog in plain English, to everybody's understanding. It's possible that some translations will be written in German, but the explanations will be in English. You are free to comment in any language you like (preferably English, German and Romanian).

3. Please do not copy my works. This is only a please. I know the risks of a public website, and that I'm powerless to stop anyone if he truly desires to steal my works. If you do that, please let it be for your personal needs. That will be more O.K. with me than finding my work all spread across the internet.

Having said that, I wish you all the best and i hope you will enjoy my posts.

Your sincerely,

Alexandru Gheorghe Frateanu


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